Once a year I bake the dogs their very own biscuits. I like baking them myself because I always wonder what's keeps those biscuits "fresh" for so long on grocery shelves... will they still be around decades from now? I like knowing the ingredients, and I feel this way about our food too. When I pull them out of the oven, and tell them, "these are for you guys"....well, Chamois and Tully are certainly appreciative! Tully's the one with the intense stare, a perfect portrait of his personality...focused!

Here's the recipe I clipped from the local paper years ago.
Debbie's Dog Biscuits
2 1/2 cups flour (I used spelt flour but you can use regular flour)
1 1/2 cup whole grain spelt flour
(you can use part rice flour or regular flour)
1 cup instant potato flakes
1/2 cup powdered milk
1 tbsp dried parsley
1 1/2 cups chicken broth
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 eggs
1/2 cup grated carrot
1/2 cup grated cheese
In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients, and stir well. Add all of the wet ingredients and mix well. You might have to ditch the spoon and mix it up with your hands. You want a thick dough, because you're going to roll it out to cut cookie shapes. Shape the dough into a ball, and place on a good amount of flour (so it won't stick when you roll) and roll out to about 3/8ths inch thickness or thinner...you don't want them too thick so they will get crunchy. Cut out your shapes, Chamois prefers the hearts, and of course, Tully prefers the bone shapes. Keep adding the dough back to itself and cutting out shapes until you have a little pile left and free-form that into your last cookie.
Bake 40 minutes at 300 degrees. When they are all done, I put them back in the oven after I turn it off to let them get crispy and crunchy. I leave them in the cooling oven for an hour or so.
This makes a lot of dog biscuits. About 3 to 4 dozen depending on the cookie shapes! Enjoy, share with your doggie friends!